Link Conveyor

Link conveyors are mobile equipment used to connect various handling systems.

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Product Details
What is a Link Conveyor?

Link conveyors, predominantly utilized in port and mining sectors, is a mobile equipment designed to seamlessly connect various systems. Whether towed by external motor vehicles or propelled by their built-in systems, these conveyors can effortlessly integrate with supplementary equipment, such as hydraulic lift systems, bellows, and dedusting filters.

Ease of Mobilization

Distinctively designed for flexibility, link conveyors can be strategically mobilized during active operations and retracted to designated parking zones during downtimes. This functionality not only optimizes space but also confers a significant operational edge, especially in port facilities.

Operational Efficiency

Given its mobile design, link conveyors are particularly advantageous in dynamic mining environments where the operational locus frequently shifts. This singular, portable solution not only ensures uninterrupted transportation but also precludes the recurrent costs associated with assembling and disassembling fixed infrastructures.

Environment & Hygiene

Link conveyor provides minimum dust emission in loading-unloading areas with bellows and dedusting filters integrated into hydraulic lift-off systems. By mitigating dust and spillage, these conveyors reduce the ecological footprint, all while maintaining the hygiene standards of the operational environment.

Contact Us for Your Demands

Fill in the detailed request form and our team will contact you. You can contact us at +90 216 428 54 56 for your requests and questions.
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intra 2023